Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year 2012 | hello and goodbye

yiehaaa..last day of 2011,
so many things happened, happy, sad, doubt, hate, love, friendship hhfiiutthh!

The biggest things is, finally i resigned from my 'ten to seven job' at ImportMusik, thank you so much all for all of our time. Will be miss you ^^ proud to my self, welcome to moving out from comfort zone ^^
just wish me luck, pleaaseeee

usually, i don't make resolution. but now..
my resolution is "No plan, just work, follow up and work" :D
well, happy new year everybody!!, thank you s
o much for every chance, every critism and every love. Wish we all get more failure but still have happiness and spirit to get better and more success.

istie :)

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


hhmm, test photomotion! yeay ^^

Pertama-tama krn browsing2 dan lucu ngeliat foto model gini. Lalu di share lah ke dije supaya dia liat, dan langsung ngetest gimana cara buatnya. Klak klik klak klik test shoot video, ga boleh bergerak2, dikipas2 buat contoh materinya.

Singkat cerita, mending tanya mbah google toh kalo mau tau sesuatu, ya kan? ;) , lalu singkat cerita lagi dije lah yg oprak aprik pelajarin, teruuuus jadi deh! hohohoho..liat liat liat, lucu kaaaan? yaa lumayan deh ya buat ukuran test jam 12 mlm^^

yaa nama ny juga test lah yaa, ntr klo dije udh lancar baru mnta ajarin, cape bow pulang kerja hihihihii :D

thank you, baby!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Enamour | Book of style 2012 by Rudy Hadisuwarno

and here we go! Enamour, book of style 2012 by Rudy Hadisuwarno finally published. thank you so much 3ide team, very extraordinary lay out!

You will not only see hair trend in this book, you can see concept, photography, fashion and also digital imaging.

ugh, and again! so honoured to be a part of this, thank you mas willy, mba kiky, mas donny, mas krisna, mas toni, mba yuli, mas rohim, iwank and all of the crew :)

photographed by : dije dedy
digital imaging by : Toni Hartawan
Lay out by : Donny Dwipayana

i will upload real photo later, soon ^^

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Fashion is My Playground by Lenny Agustin

It's so honoured to be a part of Fashion Playground by Lenny Agustin.
Thank you so much mba Len *kissMore ;)

The design 'n colour of the book is so colourfull, so eye catchy, so playful and definately so Lenny Agustin. 3ide finished very well done.

Trust me, you won't bored to read this book, actually it's not for read, but your eyes will be tired not because you read. Aaghhh so many fashion you can look in here :D

You can see Lenny Agustin's style from 2008 until now. Her journey, her passion and her achievement. Must have, people! ^^

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Enamour | video Book of style 2012 by Rudy Hadisuwarno

hi, a few month ago. we had a chance to joined at book of style 2012 by rudy hadisuwarno, one of Indonesian best hair dresser. Excited? definately, yeess! ^^

well honestly, that time was for dije showed his capability, and off course i'm so proud of him because he did a very good job! all the best for you, baby..

and me? i don't wanna stand for nothing..
dije and i made plan to make video behind the scene, and because dije was the photographer, so i was that a videographer!! yeaay!!

here's the result, of course dije helped me out to made this..

hope you enjoy it :)
positive suggestions and criticisms received.

xoxo :)